Tings and Things

Feeding the trolls

March 19, 2020 Jonathan Mbaya & Simba Tsumba Episode 62

Ahhhh...trolling is such an ancient past time that has exploded due to social media. The internet has leveled out the playing field and made people so accessible to us. The climate these days is absolutely crazy with social media just being an absolute minefield. People post things and sometimes you never know their real intention

Trolling also happens bountifully on sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Facebook gets particularly intense when there are national or international events going on. Going on a conservative or liberal Facebook page is like entering a literal boxing match of words. Arguments are endless in supply, and comments from both sides trying to get a rise out of the other often appear in threads.

Social media is an excellent way to engage with the world around you and a great way for brands and companies to engage with users. While it can be a very positive thing, you’ll probably run into trolls on the internet. Trolls can be a bad thing or they can be a good thing!