One Big Thought

Episode 7: Attitude of Excellence

Andy George Episode 7

Attitude of Excellence

To understand "Excellence" it may be good to start with what excellence is NOT:

It does not mean Perfection. Often perfectionism comes from a place of our own inner ego or pride. The feeling that it "has" to be perfect or I have failed. Perfection is more about how I look rather than adding value to those around me. 

Here's some will never be perfect. That is not a bad thing, nor does it mean you no longer strive to become better each day. In fact, knowing that you are not perfect may be the push towards excellence.

Here is what Excellence is and requires:

1. Excellence is an Attitude. It is the attitude that I am pursuing after the best or better version of me.

2. Excellence requires me to step outside of my comfort zone. Being too comfortable in what I can do may lead to passivity and even laziness.

3. Excellence is a direct result of being intentional in all that I do. Often excellence begins with the small details.

4. Excellence comes from continually improving on what I am doing. To never just accept where I am, but to know that it can be done better.

5. Excellence is acquired as I review and critique what I do. I am a big fan of self review. It is painful and uncomfortable at times. But it requires me to give myself an honest evaluation.

6. Excellence requires me to Grow Daily in ways to add value to my own life, my family, my relationships, and my business.

At the end of the day, here is the question to ask yourself: "Did I give my best today?" 

Can you look yourself in the mirror, eye to eye, and say yes to that question? If not, then what caused you to not give your absolute best effort? Was it time management? Was it outside influences? Was it laziness? 

How much better can we become on our road to excellence if and when we can answer "yes" to that question?!