One Big Thought

Episode 11: Leadership GRIT

Andy George Episode 11

What does it take to lead, succeed, produce, hit goals, reach markers, and develop into the leader you can become?  Grit.  It takes Leadership Grit.

Grit is the perseverance and passion for long-term goals.  Grit is the internal drive that keeps you and me from quitting and just giving up.  Grit is also fragile and easy to damage and lose.

There has been a thought rattling around in my head for a while now, "Anyone can but not everyone does."  

What do you think about that statement?  Here's what I think it means.  Don't allow the opinion of others to dictate your destiny.

If "it" was easy everyone would be doing it.  To lead at the next level and to continue in your development to reach that goal absolutely requires grit.

Here is what it takes to keep moving when everyone else stops:

G: Go for it Attitude
To keep moving forward, even when everyone else is giving up will absolutely require the right attitude.

R: Resourceful
To have Leadership GRIT will require you to be resourceful.  "I don't have _______" is not a reason to give up.

I: Integrity
People and circumstances may take away your "stuff" - money, roles, jobs, etc... but NOBODY can take away your integrity.

T: Toughness
Finally,  the have Leadership GRIT will require toughness.  Both mentally and physically.

Believe in yourself.  Believe that the dream and goal has been birthed in you for a reason.  Do not let someone else or some circumstance rob you of that.  

I don't know about you but I don't want to be on my death bed wishing I would have done ___________. 

I want to live life with no regrets.  

It requires GRIT.