Excel Still More

Be Secretly Incredible

May 09, 2022 Kris Emerson Season 4 Episode 23

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First, special thanks to Kinsey Fountain for a terrific idea!

Second, thank to Bob Goff for his quote and life and work. 

There is a deep and different richness when our value is connected with our acts of kindness, not what people say about our acts of kindness. We all crave validation, and we live in a social media age, where likes amount to value for a great many things in our lives.

But what if we figure out how to Be Secretly Incredible? Maybe you can be more loving and generous, for the sake of the act and the people you help, with zero need for or desire for accolades or affirmation. Bob Goff will show us how. His sentiments perfectly echo the teachings of Jesus in the sermon on the mount. Let me tell his story and see if he can inspire you.

I also want to share four little ideas that are transforming my thinking. I hope to be more personal, emotional, and connected in my acts of good will in the name of Jesus. A short progression of thoughts can make that real for you. Then, if people find out about it, that's perfectly okay. They will want to be like you, and that's a great reason to have your good deeds known!

- Why do we care so much what other people think about the good things we do?

- How can we find value in our personal work, not just in collective or institutional actions?

- How can you sit down with your family and find the way God wants to use you?

- What would a life without generosity limits, led by relationships, be like for your family?

- Is it okay for people to see what we do if our sequencing is correct?  YES!