Excel Still More

Ep. 31 - Plan your How

Kris Emerson Season 1 Episode 31

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I love Simon Sinek's book, "Start with Why."  The idea of finding your purpose and passion before proceeding... crucial!  Once you find your Why, you'll know What you want to do. For instance, if you find your why in fitness, you'll want to be a daily exercise person.  Great!  Connecting Why and What is a big deal!  But don't overlook the How.  The discipline to think through the action, to plan the right way to do it, can make all the difference.  So, in fitness, I need to journal when I'm going to workout and where and make sure my clothes are with me and I have a plan!   This helps you work smarter not harder!

Ask yourself: "What is the smartest and most efficient way to do this thing?" "How can I prepare myself and my surroundings to be successful in this thing?"  Listen, lots of passion (Why) has gone by the wayside.  And lots of actions (What) have fizzled out.  And why?  Because we hadn't considered and calculated the plan (How) to get it done! Give some time to that today and you'll be blowing past your present goals in no time!