Excel Still More

"This Isn't Gossip"

Kris Emerson Season 4 Episode 37

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Okay, I'm not really sure what gossip is. I think that is true for most of us. We say things like "this isn't gossip" or "this might be gossip" right before we share information about  people who are not in the room. Most of us think if we don't mean any harm then there is no harm done. Of course, that is not always true.

Today we will dig in on what we know about gossip. But more practically, I want to share a few things that have helped me guard my tongue much more effectively. A simple statement can change a lot about how we talk and who we talk about. And a simple question at the end can make gossip have to work a lot harder to get seeded by us.

- What in the world is the sin of gossip?

- If I don't intend to cause issues, does that mean it is okay?

- Why does speaking too much and too often often contribute to the problem?

- How can I ask a simple question about helpfulness and filter my speech?

- Why is going to the person harder to do and yet almost always much, much wiser?