Excel Still More

Tell No One

Kris Emerson Season 4 Episode 41

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I am an oversharer. I talk too much and listen too little. The issue with this is I read the reactions to that sharing and hang too much of my happiness on the response, the likes, the affirmations. There is certainly room in life to tell people things and read their feedback. But I am learning to "tell no one." I am learning that social media has programmed my brain to post and hang my joy on the reactions. 

But with the help of Captain America, Bradley Cooper, and Joe Burrow, I am learning to keep more to myself. I am learning to enjoy the event for its own sake. I am learning to enjoy the people who I am with and not tether my joy to how we I display it or the support it draws from onlookers.

In this episode, we dig in on some really cool quotes. The outcome is a deep sense of joy in the moment, and less social media dependency on the need for people to love it. This frees us up to stay in the moment and determine its value real time, without the need for an audience to validate.

- Why do many of us hang so much joy on how many people applaud or like our life?

- How has social media taken us out of the present moment and to how you will put it on display?

- What comes from telling no one? How does a moment with family change when it is just for you?

- What if you go on vacation and tell no one? How will it change your focus during the trip?

- Why did Jesus teach us to tell no one when we give, pray and fast?