Excel Still More

Wrestling with God

September 19, 2022 Kris Emerson Season 4 Episode 45

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Six observations from Jacob wrestling with God in Genesis 32:

1) Jacob is a flawed but very faithful man. (Gen. 31:3, 41-43: 32:1-2)

2) Jacob is in a stressful and uncertain situation. (Gen. 32:3-8, 9-12)

3) God initiates this encounter for Jacob's benefit. (Gen. 32:22-24, 28, 30)

4) Jacob does not try to escape but holds on until God blesses him. (Gen. 32:24-26; Hosea 12:4)

5) God conceded defeat to Jacob in a moment of grace and transformation. (Gen. 32:26-29)

6) Jacob proceeds from the encounter physically worse and spiritual better. (Gen. 32:30-32)

Four applications for your life and mine:

1) God seeks to challenge and engage His children. (James 1:1-4)

2) God will often engage you in times of anxiety and fear. (Philippians 4:4-9)

3) God rewards those who will not let go no matter what. (Hebrews 6:9-12)

4) God may sen you out weaker in flesh but strong in faith. (II Corinthians 12:7-9)

If you are a true glutton for punishment and have read this far... here is the full sermon:

Wrestling with God