Excel Still More

Building A Team

Kris Emerson Season 4 Episode 60

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I hope you are excited for a productive and incredible 2023. This starts with a proper planning. And great planning includes evaluating the people in your life. Today's episode takes us back to one of our earliest episodes: "Your Inner Circle." We need to evaluate the people who are healthy to have close to you, because you are going to need them to build a team who can help you reach your goals. 

We also want to go back a couple of years to the idea of "Building Your Ladders." There is a tried and true strategy for using the calendar year as a 12 step program for building a ladder and reaching a new level. Take full advantage of the January fresh start and prepare for that first rung!

Lastly, in this episode, let's get some really great ideas from Simon Sinek. He did an interview recently concerning how to build a great team. There has to be support when you falter. There has to be trust and people who throw you a party when you fail (in a great way). His instruction at the end will be important in setting up the kind of support that will make 2023 fail safe, so long as God allows!