Excel Still More

Conversing about Grace

Kris Emerson Season 4 Episode 61

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The topic of God's Grace is beautifully complicated. It is simply too great to fully understand while we live here in the limitations of the flesh. But giving up on understanding grace can lead to big mistakes. Maybe we believe God covers everything not matter how we live. That's not right. But neither is the other side of the spectrum, where we look at our lives as a series of works we must accomplish to eventually get the grace. This is equally as foolish. 

David Osteen and I take different angles on the topic of grace, but we are in ultimate agreement in how it motivates us to live great and faithful lives. In this interview, you get to hear our independent answers to some straight forward questions about God's grace. 

Kenny Embry hosts the Balancing the Christian Life podcast. If you enjoy this interview style, go check out his podcast. He has conducted some truly incredible interviews on needful topics. 

- How would you explain grace without using "unmerited favor"?

- Why is grace such a controversial topic?

- How would you explain grace to your 12 year old kids?

- Why is a lack of grace just as dangerous as focusing on it too much?

- How is it liberating to know you are saved by God and His grace?