Excel Still More

Sixty Month Clock

Kris Emerson Season 5 Episode 9

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So how have the last five years treated you? It has been unpredictable and wild for most of us. You might not have thought you had five years left - five years ago. But you did. And now you are here. How did it go? Did you have a vision, a plan, a path? Has it led you to wonderful and encouraging new places, new knowledge, new purpose?

Okay, that's enough looking back. Here's the real question - if you get another 60 months to live, what are you planning to do with it? How about if it was ALL you got? If you knew that 60 months was all the time you had left, would you change, start, or address things right now to improve the outcome?

Let's look back today at two previous episodes: "Seven Days Left" and "Bull Named Fumanchu" - both of which ask you to set parameters of time. And then let's move away from urgent prioritization and emotional dying phone calls, and let's stretch it out to five years and get to work building something amazing!

- (Ill 1) If we all had seven days left, how would you use them?

- (Ill 2) If you were dying, what would be important for you right now?

- (Ill 3) If you had 60 months left on this earth, how would you use it?

- How do definite time parameters help us determine our options?

- What can you do in the next few months to change the next five years?