Excel Still More

Making A Name

Kris Emerson Season 5 Episode 10

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Let's go back - way, way back - to the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11. It is so fascinatingly placed! Before it is the Garden of Eden (God comes down to establish a covenant), then Sin, then The Flood. Right after it is God coming down to make a covenant with Abraham that would effect us all. That's a 500 year jump between Noah and Abraham, and all we get in between is Genesis 11. Most of that is genealogies. 

But there is this 9 verse event laid out. Somewhere between those two great men was an attempt by the people to build a large tower and make a name for themselves. God was not pleased and He scattered them. But what in the world is that story about? What is it designed to teach us? I think the answer to those questions is vital today.

Special thanks to Christianity Today magazine, and an article called "Babel's Invitation" by John Walton for the historical information behind this episode. I hope you find it useful in how you commune with God, on whose Terms, and for what Purpose. 

- What was the problem with the Tower of Babel and it's construction?

- If they were trying to get God to come down to them, what's wrong with that?

- Why are we so drawn to creating our own terms for communion with the Lord?

- If our relationship with God is transactional, how is that doomed to fail?

- Why is the end game to be God's Glory, and how can that be a challenge for us?