Excel Still More

Pharisees and Jesus

Kris Emerson Season 5 Episode 11

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Mark's Gospel is powerfully and precisely written. It packs a ton of information into shorter spaces than the other Gospels.  (A great Gospel for ADHD sufferers!). Mark also uses the power of COMPARISON to make his points super strong. In Mark 2, he compares the Pharisees with Jesus by showing the questions they asked Him. We will look at those today, as well as the one question Jesus asked them to start chapter 3.

It is often said of the church, that there are Pharisees and we are sometimes Legalistic, too Judgmental, or Traditionalists to a fault. There may be truth to that at times, but if we can't be specific on what that looks like, we can't fix it. Some of us may just not have the heart to fix it... you know... like the Pharisees. But for those of us who do want to be more like Jesus and less like the Pharisees, we need some guidance. Today's episode may be a good place to start. Be prayer and give it a listen. 

- Why were the Pharisees so doubtful and unkind toward Jesus?

- How was His heart for people nearly nothing like their heart?

- Why was Jesus simple teaching of salvation in Him such a threat to them?

- Should mercy triumph over judgment and what does that look like?

- How can you be more like Jesus and less like the Pharisees?