Excel Still More

Be The Change

Kris Emerson Season 2 Episode 7

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"Be the change you wish to see in the world." Do you know who said that? Most attribute it to Mahatma Gandhi.  Well, he didn't actually say that, but what he did say is amazing, and is summed up well in this popular phrase.  He created incredible change in the world by focusing on growing individually and letting that have a peaceful affect on then world. In that way, he is an incredible example.  

Did you know the best way to change an environment is to change yourself?  The best way to help others become better is to become better and show them a better way.  All of our episodes for the last year have been about you working on you!  The result:  you are different, and the people around you now are as well.  Not because you told them to listen to a podcast, but because they have seen those ideas living in you!

We would do well to stop focusing on collective issues and overlooking individual responsibilities.  If we do this correctly, we can help create a collective of morally growing people who can much more easily tackle large collective problems.  Today you will also hear from Jordan Peterson, as he discusses the need to keeping working on you, even if you really want to see global change. 

Finally, let's talk about faith.  Knowing all of these things doesn't really matter if we aren't living them in our faith.  The beautiful message of Scripture:  your change in spiritual behavior can save the souls of people around you!

- Who said, "Be the change you wish to see in the world?"

- What good is individual change when the world has such big collective problems?

- How can my personal growth be a difference maker for others?

- Why is it foolish to overlook my issues for "bigger issues?"

- How can I apply these lessons to my faith?