Excel Still More

Prepared By God

Kris Emerson Season 2 Episode 10

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No one enjoys trials.  If you are struggling with something in your life right now, you have no doubt prayed for relief. But as Christians, we have also signed on to be molded and trained by God. We wanted to be prepared to be a sanctuary, tried and true, and to do His work. After all, we have been saved to do His good works, and shine for Him. Do we have the right attitude about this? So many people want a life without trial, pain, temptation and sorrow. However, these things make us who God needs us to be. 

Joseph is a tremendous example. He went through many difficult events that were not his fault.  He always lived by faith and God was with him. In the end, though the 23 years away from his father were hard, he understood that God prepared him to do great things. Do you feel that way about the trials you are enduring right now?  Take a listen.

- Why do bad things happen to good people

- How can trials make us who God wants us to be

- What does it mean to be His workmanship, created for Good works

- How did Paul understand pain for the sake of glory

- How does Joseph show us the right attitude in difficult times