Excel Still More

The Storage Shed

April 20, 2020 Kris Emerson Season 2 Episode 16

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The Emerson family took on The Storage Shed this past week! The process was long overdue and represented an all day affair for us. But the results... well, we feel like superheroes!  More importantly, every one of us has a storage building. It is a place where everything we are obligated to, everything we schedule, and everything we pay for, lives. It can get way overfull. Now is an excellent time to reassess what gets to live there. Now is the time trim things, and make sure that less goes back in when we return to "normal." And maybe, if you trim some things down, you will have space to add new and wonderful elements to your life. Come with me on this journal to reorganization and making the most out of the lives we have been blessed to live. 

- How has your life changed during the coronavirus quarantine?

- What are some things that you stopped doing and don't want to start again?

- What are some things you will start again but need to cut back on?

- What have you been doing with your time that is a true blessing to you?

- How can we build new lives, storage places for our activities, to enjoy life more?