Excel Still More

Around The Sun

May 11, 2020 Kris Emerson Season 2 Episode 19

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For centuries, mankind believed we were in the center of the universe. The sun, moon and stars all revolved around us. Of course, this isn't true. And it wasn't true, even when we believed it to be. We learned that, in terms of the universe, we aren't very special on our own. We also learned that the sun was way, way bigger than we ever imagined. It is the center of our system of life, and we draw what we need to survive from it. In fact, our light in the night sky, as would be seen from other planets, comes purely from the sun. 

Do you think God set it up that way on purpose? I do. There is a message in the stars about a life that revolves around the true source of light and life. Let's look to ... Him.. and determine if we are trying to live a geocentric life under a Son-centered system.

- Why did people believe the earth was at the center of the universe?

- Why did God design the sun to be our source of life?

- What do the heavens declare about God?

- Is Christ at the center of our lives, both physical and spiritual?

- Are you reflecting this truth, His light, in your life?

- How should every single goal we set be connected to Christ as our center?