Excel Still More

Roses or Thorns?

Kris Emerson Season 2 Episode 25

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The first church presentation I ever gave was back when I was 10 years old. The topic was optimism or pessimism. I actually remember it quite well.  We talked about glasses of water, roses and thorns. To be honest, my whole life I've tried to be positive and have had a very hard time being around negative people. But, how can we help them? What do they need to know, or maybe you and I need to know, about how negativity hurts us and others? And what are three clear things we can do daily to be more positive people?

- Are you a negative or positive person?

- Why is optimism so important and good for you?

- What are problems that negativity adds to your life?

- Should Christians see life differently than others?

- What are three things you can do to be a more positive person?