Excel Still More

Don't Get Jealous...

Kris Emerson Season 3 Episode 10

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Kids get jealous. It is obvious on their faces, or in their cries. It pops up fast and then is forgotten. Adults get jealous. They are much better at hiding it, but not so good at letting it go. Jealousy, coupled with pride, is a relationship killer. And saddest of all, it prevent us from getting better!  The very person who could help us is being judged by us. We can do better!

Let's talk about how jealousy works and why it is so powerful. Then, I want to add TWO WORDS to the episode title that can make a massive difference in your life and in the way you see yourself in comparisons to others.

- What is jealousy and why is it such a problem?

- Is it okay to compare ourselves with other people?

- How can I focus on differences that are changeable?

- What are the TWO WORDS that will make all the difference?

- How can the right comparisons bring us hope, even in another person's success?