Excel Still More

Prayer and Fasting

Kris Emerson Season 3 Episode 19

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The disciples could not cast out the demon. Why not? Because their faith was too small. And Jesus told them how to get that faith right where it needed to be:  PRAYER and FASTING!  Do you use these tools from Christ to grow your faith?  For some of us, prayer is just a thing we do. And fasting... well... we don't do that, except to lose weight. 

But Christ has a two part plan to give you access to God's power.  Let's look at two acronyms today P.R.A.Y. and F.A.S.T. to get this week going right to God's thrown and get the needed power in our lives to cast out the demons in our lives.

- Why could the disciples not cast out the demon?

- Will you be any more successful with the demons in your life?

- What is the purpose of prayer and how do we make it work for us?

- What is the purpose of fasting and what does that look like in your life?

- How does Bible reading come into play to help it all work to new heights of faith?