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Let's Talk "Fellowship"

Kris Emerson Season 3 Episode 23

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The word "fellowship" has always been a challenge for me. I was raised for a while to believe it meant one thing. And then, later, it seemed I was being told something opposite. Today, from the Scriptures, I see something beautiful. Fellowship is an invisible thing, a spiritual and eternal thing, that shows itself, proves itself, in real time with people of faith. I want to explore the incredible facets of koinonia, from the spiritual to the physical. 

We need this. After that pandemic, we need this. But also, because of the ideas that some have, ideas the lead us away from worship to our own spiritual experiences. I preached a sermon on this at the Lindale church, but here we cut straight to chase on Christian fellowship. 

- What does the word "fellowship" mean to you?

- Is fellowship spiritual, physical, or both?

- How does your church, and the Christians in your life, demonstrate fellowship?

- Why do our young people need to understand the mutual, shared aspect of faith?

- How will New Testament fellowship lead to explosive growth in the church today?