Excel Still More

An Evangelistic Culture

June 14, 2021 Kris Emerson Season 3 Episode 24

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Has anyone ever told you that evangelism is important? I would imagine you've heard it 100 times. We preachers talk about how God has called us to spread the Word in all circumstances. We talk about whole churches being active in teaching Jesus to others. And yet, many churches, and many individuals, just haven't gotten the hang of it.

Not that it is absent altogether. We each and all have our shining moments, and maybe can even name someone who is a Christian because God brought them into our lives. But what if that was not an exception? What if soul winning became your identity? What if the church where you worshipped was known all over the State for its evangelistic culture?

- What is evangelism and why aren't most of us better at it?

- What is a "church culture" and how important is knowing yours?

- What happens if we want to do a thing but haven't prepared to do that thing?

- How can whole churches position themselves to be better soul seekers?

- Have you checked out the totally free Gospel Message booklet?  Head to www.lindalechurchofchrist.com and click on "The Gospel Message" box.