Excel Still More

"Don't Blame Anybody"

June 28, 2021 Kris Emerson Season 3 Episode 26

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Jon Rahm had his heart broken. He was winning a major tournament, just one day away from 1.7 million dollars. And then, it all went away, all of the sudden. What happened to him was terrible, unfair, and infuriating. But how would he respond? Would he blame everyone? Would he use it as an excuse to behave poorly? Nope. This dude is solid. And the attitude he put on display is an example to us all. Oh, and good attitudes lead to good outcomes! 

- Have you recently had something unfair happen to you in your life?

- How did that make you feel and what did you want to do about it?

- Is it important to keep your cool, put it in perspective and move forward?

- How many people are influenced by how you handle tough breaks?

- Is it possible a bad break today can lead to your big break tomorrow?