Excel Still More

Looking For Adventure

Kris Emerson Season 3 Episode 27

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I'm in search of someone who is looking for adventure. Who is ready to step out there and do something that most people will not do. You need to know, it won't be easy. And there are risks that it might not go as planned. And you have no way to predict what will happen next!

But the alternative... being stuck in the system, in the mundane, in a machine that isn't really you and doesn't represent who you want to be... well, I'm done with that. Maybe you are as well. If so, hop in for a big decision. Jordan Peterson wrote a new book giving us 12 more rules for life. In promoting that book, he spoke of the most adventurous thing you can do. 

- Why aren't more people willing to take a risk to get a genuine reward?

- Before the big jump, what is the most satisfying thing you can do day by day?

- Are you sharing your true feeling with others? Or is that just too scary?

- What is the proper process to becoming truly transparent with others?

- What are some tremendous things that might happen when you take today's adventure?