Excel Still More

Smarter Not Harder

Kris Emerson Season 3 Episode 36

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Hard Work is good. Everybody knows we should be working hard. However, it is not the best thing. It is not the first or most important thing. The better thing is to Work Smart. Wisdom in our pursuits, strategy in our path, is way more important. Plenty of people grind and get few results. For some reason, they keep grinding, and it doesn't do any good. In fact, it leads to giving up. We can do better. But we have to be humble enough to admit: "maybe I'm not doing this the best way it can be done." Let's do a little research and get much better results!

- Why do we champion working harder and longer as the key to success?

- Why is wise working much more important than laborious work?

- Are you willing to reevaluate where you are putting your time and energy toward goals?

- What if we add in something smaller, but better into the process?

- What if we cut out one hard, but really useless, element in the day?