Excel Still More

Three Saving Buckets

Kris Emerson Season 3 Episode 38

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Everybody knows we should be saving at least a small portion of money. If you are spending everything you make, you know the stress of that. I won't focus on that today. But if you are able to save anything, even the smallest amount, what you are doing with it? Are you excited for what that means? Today let's look at three separate, and I do mean separate, categories of saving. The first isn't exciting but it matters the most! The second is a little technical but will help you very soon. And the third is fun and risky, but okay if kept in its proper place. In the end, let's be savers. Let's see that grow and create less stress and more ability to give!

- Why don't more people save money at the end of the month?

- What do you think could motivate someone to make sacrifices and start saving?

- What is bucket 1, and why does it need to be easy and automatic?

- What is bucket 2, and how does it make this next year a lot easier?

- What is bucket 3, and why must you never let the wrong funds get into it?