Excel Still More

Circles of Importance

December 13, 2021 Kris Emerson Season 3 Episode 49

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To me, there is nothing more important I could share with you right now than these circles of importance. 2021 is almost over, but it is not over yet. This is an amazing time to asses our priority and value system and then see how we've done this year with our words and actions. But we can also start making efforts, changes, today and start the New Year in stride!

If you were asked to write do the four most important things in the world to you, in order, what would that look like. I don't mean what people say you should write, but what you feel in your heart. Let's do that today. I'll show you mine first. But then we need to be ready to face God with that. And we need to build lives around those choices. And the things that didn't make the list... should be used to support the things that did! 

- What are your "circles of importance"?

- Why is it important to pray through these choices before acting on them?

- Has your year been used in a way consistent with those circles?

- What can be done next year to align your life with your values?

- Exactly how beneficial are healthy relationships in your life?