Baptist Bulletin Podcast

What Is the Purpose of the GARBC?

Baptist Bulletin Episode 10

David and Mike discuss the GARBC's proposed updated purpose statement and how it better answers the question, "What is our purpose and our mission?"

Current statement (adopted 1972):

To maintain an association of sovereign Bible-believing, Christ-honoring Baptist churches; to promote the spirit of evangelism; to spread the gospel; to advance Regular Baptist educational and missionary enterprises at home and abroad; to raise and maintain a testimony to the truth of the gospel and to the purity of the Church; to raise a standard of Biblical separation from worldliness, modernism and apostasy; to emphasize the Biblical teaching that a breakdown of divinely established lines between Bible believers and apostates is unscriptural and to be a voice repudiating cooperation with movements which attempt to unite true Bible believers and apostates in evangelistic and other cooperative spiritual efforts.

Proposed new statement (2019):

The GARBC exists to glorify God by assisting churches in biblical and dynamic disciple-making as an association of autonomous, Bible-centered, Christ-exalting, gospel-proclaiming Baptist churches. Based on our commitment to doctrinal purity, we collaborate with likeminded ministries that share our beliefs and our passion for making disciples of Jesus Christ.

Older Purpose Statements:

To spread the Gospel, advance Missionary enterprises, do Evangelistic work, provide fellowship for Baptist Churches.

To spread the Gospel, advance Baptist missionary enterprises, promote evangelism and provide Fellowship for Baptist Churches. (This statement governs the policy of the Association only, and in no wise makes mandatory any like policy in any fellowshipping church).