
FedCast - Episode 1

Police Federation Season 1 Episode 1

Police pensions are at the top of the list to discuss in our inaugural FedCast with National Police Federation Chair John Apter. 

Presented by Ian Collins and with guest National Police Federation Secretary Alex Duncan, the trio tackle the current situation with pensions following the Court of Appeal recently ruling that the introduction of transitional protections to judges’ and firefighters’ pensions was not a proportionate means to achieving a legitimate aim. 

The complex issues surrounding the judgement and our position are explained clearly answering questions including ‘Why did the Federation not challenge the pension changes like the Fire Brigades Union?’ and ‘Will you admit to making a mistake for not challenging?’ 

The episode also covers officer welfare, our pay challenge, campaigns and the pair’s first months in their new roles – Mr Apter was elected by members in August 2018 and Mr Duncan was selected by the National Board in October 2018 – during which time the Federation achieved legislative change in respect to assaults on police officers and other emergency workers.

We take questions from members – via twitter @PFEW_HQ or email communications@polfed.org – so please do get involved.
