
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (with Zelda Knapp)

November 20, 2019 Beth & Max

We're here to slay in this episode (eh? eh????) about Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Zelda Knapp joins us to talk about Bangel vs. Spuffy, Buffy academia, and webrings. As Buffy herself famously said, "If the apocalypse comes, rate and review us on iTunes."

Sources and relevant links for this episode:

Buffy on Fanlore
UCSL on Fanlore
The Internet Archive’s cached page of Buffy academia
The Bronze archive
“The Early Days of Buffy Fandom” by Anthony Letizia, for Geek Frontiers
“Will the Vampire People Please Leave the Lobby?” by Allyson Beatrice on GoogleBooks
Fan Phenomena: Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Jennifer K. Stuller

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