Scaling to Freedom Podcast | For 7-figure female coaches

6-Figure Launches: The most successful strategies I see behind the scenes

January 23, 2023 Christina Bernhard | FB ads Agency for Coaches Episode 162

If you're a coach in this space, I'm sure you've seen your peers share their amazing results with big numbers after their launches. Curious what these successful launches have that make them so successful? I've been a part of A LOT💰 of successful coaching programs and course launches.

I've ran ads for near-million-dollar launches, and when looking back at them all, they all have a few things in common. I put together the 5 things ALL of the successful launches I've been a part of had.

On the Scaling to Freedom Podcast I am sharing these 5 things that are a must-hear if you're a coach aspiring to reach your launch goals or keep your successful launches successful for the long run. 

Here’s a closer look at what I discuss in this episode: 

  • The most common strategies for a successful launch
  • Thoughts on webinars, whether they still work, and if it’s still a “thing”
  • How ads play a role in launches
  • One common potential cause why launches fail (that no one wants to talk about)


Speaker 1:

You are listening to the Scaling of Freedom Podcast, and if you are an online coach or course creator, you are in the right place. I'm your host, Christina Bernhard. I'm an ads agency owner that gets an inside look every day on what's working and what doesn't. In the online coaching space. I'm here to share with you what we see works in our agency as well as what we see happening and changing in the industry. Stay tuned to up-level your coaching business to have the freedom you want. Let's get started. Welcome to episode 162. Today we are talking about the most successful launch strategies I've seen in six figure launches. Um, so this is for what is happening and what we've seen in the agency, um, and the most successful launch strategies that we see. While there are so many different strategies and all of our clients really use all kinds of different strategies, there are some common ones that a, actually play a role, um, in some of these launches. So I'm gonna cover those. Um, we're also gonna talk about webinars and whether they still work or are they still a thing, um, because there's been some talk that, you know, they're dead. There's talk that they still work and you know, that sort of thing. So I'm going to go over what we see in the agency. And also I want to talk about how ads play a role in launches because obviously all of the launches I'm a part of are running ads, so I wanna talk about that. Um, and then, um, one common or potential cause, um, that no one wants to believe about their failed launches. So I wanna talk about that as well. Um, so let's go ahead and jump into the first launch strategy, and that is going to be to be prepared<laugh>, which I know that sounds ridiculous, um, but I cannot stress this enough. I've seen so many people want to, like last minute launches and things like that. And, um, you know, I've seen some glamor in the whole winging things and going with the flow of your energy. And while there may still, you know, there may actually be some value there, the launches that I personally have been a part of that have been the most successful were very thoughtfully planned and executed like with Grace. Um, so I have not been a part of any launches that were just kind of thrown together. Um, some exceptions might be if it's a program that they've launched over and over and over again, um, and they decide last minute that they wanna launch it again, that's kind of, that's very different. Um, and not even kind of different. That's very different, um, because they already have a lot of those pieces in place and they, there was a time where all of those things were thoughtfully executed. Um, so they have like files of all this stuff, um, that they were just kind of putting together and they've actually put together, you know, many, many times before. So that's not really what I'm referring to, I'm referring to, um, especially if you're trying to change anything about your launch and you're trying to do something new, um, you know, messy action can work in the beginning, and I do recommend it to some degree, but if you, you really want to scale, it really does pay to be prepared. Um, and so this means putting together your launch pieces months before your launch. Um, and what I mean by launch pieces, I'm talking about the topic of your hype events, um, your email sequences, um, sales page, copy, um, added strategy, creatives, all that stuff, do not rush it. Um, there's no reason to rush it because in the end, um, if it's going to hurt you and you're making less money, it doesn't make sense to do it sooner anyway. So if you just push it out a bit so that you have space also, so your team has space, when your team has space, everyone just does better work. Whenever it is rushed and it's overnight, things get missed, it's just, it's often a mess. Um, we've learned this a thousand times, it's just not like the way that you wanna do it. Um, or else you're gonna find all kinds of things wrong. Um, it's also just gonna be stressful for you and for everyone, and that's not really the kind of energy you want to have going into a launch. So definitely, you know, take some time and put together your launch pieces intentionally. Um, another reason to push this out and be prepared is to give yourself time for market research. I see a lot of people skip market research and just kind of, you know, either not do it, um, or maybe they'll just do it once and they don't ever really do it again. Whatever the case is, you want to take some time to do market research and talk to, um, your people and find out, um, more information I'm gonna talk about, uh, more about that at the end of this episode. Um, the second thing is hype events. So I've heard some criticism towards the strategy because I mean, it is fairly old. I feel like webinars are kind of an ancient strategy, like we've been doing them forever. Um, I went into digital marketing in 2014 and webinars were a thing then, and it's like, it's still a thing. Um, and it is old, I suppose. Um, but it still works. Um, I will say the strategy behind them is a little bit different. Um, trust has been broken big time in this industry since the pandemic, um, just overall. Um, and so your topics and your content have to be very precise. So you can't just put together some general, you know, masterclass. Um, it really needs to be very specific. Um, and it's gotta be good. Uh, I feel like it was much easier a few years ago, but that doesn't mean it no longer works. It just means that the strategies are a little bit different behind coming up with topics and, um, the actual creative inside of it, um, or the, I'm sorry, the content inside of it that is changing. So if it's not working for you, it's not because the strategy of webinars it themselves do not work. It is probably the content, it's probably the topic or the angle that you're coming at it because trust me, this still works. Um, our clients are making a ton of money doing webinars. Um, they might have different names, so they might call them workshops or boot camps, uh, challenges, masterclass, whatever. Um, webinar is more of of an internal word that's just kind of what we call whatever that hype event is. Um, but they absolutely still work. Um, they make a lot of money doing them, and so I still highly recommend doing them, but, um, you do have to really nail that content. And there is also just, uh, an art to, um, hosting live events. Um, so that's a whole nother thing too, um, with just energy and, um, even just how you have your content laid out. Um, all of those things play a huge role in the success of it. Another strategy is going to be long-term ads. So obviously all the launches I've been a part of have included ads. So I'm not saying organic doesn't work, but ads play a really big role in large launches. And I've talked about this before, but I'm gonna change my answer slightly. So I used to always say like, you know, ads are a big part of it and they are. Um, but it isn't just running ads, it's ads long term. Um, and I don't know that this has been, I've made this super clear before. Um, but you don't want to just jump in and throw some cash at ads towards your, like during your launch when you didn't take the previous few months at least to test and warm your account and generate leads to nurture for your launch and figure out which campaigns work and what topics people are interested in, things like that, and what kind of ad creatives work for your, um, audiences. And also what audiences in targeting works for you. There's lots of things to test, um, and you really do need to do this ahead of time and have some longer term ads in your account. Um, so I don't want people to think that whenever I say ads, I'm talking about jumping in and spending lots of money during your launch. Um, that's too late. If you're not running ads and your account is completely cold. Maybe you've never ran ads before, or maybe you haven't ran ads in a year and you just jump in and like, you know, throw a bunch of money at your launch. Um, it's, that's not the best strategy. So, um, I want to, in case it wasn't clear before<laugh>, um, cuz I have talked about this, um, on the podcast, I've talked about this on Instagram, uh, and things like that, but in case it wasn't clear before, whenever I say ads, I'm talking about long-term ads and having a long-term strategy where you are taking the time to actually test, to warm up that account, to learn those audiences and generate those leads well before you are launched so that you can actually nurture them, um, and get them like nice and hot and ready for your launch. The fourth strategy I'm gonna talk about is a good offer. So this one might be obvious, but it isn't always the first place that people look when their launch doesn't go well because it's not really a fun one to consider. Um, but good offers sell pretty easily, um, bad offers. It doesn't mean that your work is bad or that the content inside of your program is bad or that you are bad or your skills are bad. It doesn't mean any of that. Um, your offer isn't just the actual, um, container or whatever it is that you're selling, it's also the positioning, it's the timing. Um, it, it could be the container or the framework that you have that, um, that you're providing it in. Um, the pricing, the length of the program, the format of the program, the level of support you have in the program, all of these things play a role in the overall offer. And so you do have to get all of these things right in order for it to be an easily sold offer. So if it's not selling it, it could be your email sequences, it could be all those things. Um, you, you have to look at your data to figure out, you know, where is the break that's gonna paint a bigger picture. But if people are making it all the way to the end, um, you know, it could be your sales page, but it could also very well be your offer. So those are the top like four, um, strategies that I see in launches and in larger launches that are very, very successful. So the last one I want to go over is key, and that is market research. So all of them do this to some capacity market research is such a game changer. And if you even do one single market research call with someone or one single survey, um, if, if you're asking good questions, um, you will fill this immediately. Um, so you want to, um, I I'm definitely gonna do a more in-depth episode about this because it's so, so important. Um, but you want to make sure that you're having conversations with your audience and, and the pe certainly the people that are going, um, and attending your, um, webinar and masterclass, whatever, um, your hype events. And it definitely people who are going through your funnels and your sequences and you really want to figure out what it is that they really want, um, and how they want it, and things that they've tried before that maybe didn't work before. Um, and why they didn't, you know, if they didn't purchase with you, why they didn't purchase with you, um, and the people who did sign up to work with you, finding out why they did, like what was the thing. Um, because it might be something that you didn't really emphasize before and you could emphasize it on your next launch. Um, so really talking and having these conversations with people, um, at minimum doing some sort of survey so that you can get some feedback on the launch, um, is going to be huge. Um, again, I'm gonna do an entire episode on market research, um, because it's something that I talk to all of my clients about. And, um, we find huge success in getting those answers and, um, having the client execute those in the launches. And it's such a game changer for the next launch. And you have all of those people, especially if you did ads, you paid to have so many more leads and people, you know, bigger audience to actually launch two. So you want to like, hear from them, right? You, you want that feedback so that you can figure out, because you have all this data and these people, they have all the answers. So at the end of a launch, when you're going through all your data, you don't have to sit there and just wonder and guess what you think would've made it better. You can literally just ask, um, and find out that way. It's the, uh, simplest way, it's the fastest way to the launch that you want. Um, so I cannot recommend market research enough. So those are the top five. Um, that the first one is being prepared. Um, I, I know that sounds silly, but this is a common one that I see a lot of people not do. Um, so being prepared, um, uh, hype events, doing, um, webinars and things like that, they do still work. Um, you don't have to do them, but every big launch I've been a part of, um, did have some sort of hype event. Uh, long-term ads, not just jumping in and throwing lots of money towards a launch, but actually running ads over the long term. Um, having a good offer and having lots of good market research. So that is what I have for you today. Um, I hope that this helps you if you did, like, didn't include some of these into your last launch, and, um, you wanna find ways to make your launch even bigger. These are things that I've seen work in the agency for my clients over and over again. Um, so every big launch that we've had, um, has had all of these. So wanted to share all of those with you guys and, um, that's what I have for you this week. I will see you guys next week. Thank you for listening to the Scaling to Freedom podcast. If you are a seven figure coach, looking for ads management with an agency that partners with you to get your work out into the world and amplify your impact, see if we are a good fit by applying for a spot in our slash apply. Find the link in our show notes.