Business Live: for curious entrepreneurs and social entrepreneurs

How to protect yourself from burnout, isolation or hitting a festive tipping point with Mike Lawrence

December 17, 2021 Jamie Veitch Season 9 Episode 33

Episode 356 of Business Live features Mike Lawrence, workplace health and wellbeing consultant. This interview was originally recorded on 17 December 2020 and is re-broadcast this week.

Working from home means many entrepreneurs and employees feel isolated; others experience overwhelm and burnout, or never stop working. Mike has strategies to protect and support you and your colleagues' health and wellbeing.

Mike "could talk for a week about some of the challenges I've had to overcome." As a young man he had to move to London to access employment opportunities: covert racism in Sheffield proved an enormous barrier. Has that changed? Mike now works with many corporate firms and large organisations, enabling them to address discrimination, bias and barriers to inclusivity. He describes initiatives and action, underway and needed, to create a level playing field for all.

Mike also describes how he found mentors, how he rebuilt his own confidence after a challenging period, the impact of Viktor Frankl's book, Man's Search for Meaning,  and gives realistic, practical advice for business leaders about listening, asking questions and building trust.

Find Mike Lawrence Health and Wellbeing online. And here's the book mentioned in the interview.