The Insurance Dudes

Why Cheap Leads Cost You So Much | Insurance Agency Playbook

The Insurance Dudes: Craig Pretzinger & Jason Feltman Season 3 Episode 458

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The Insurance Dudes are on a mission to find the best insurance agents around the country to find out how they are creating some of the top agencies. But they do not stop there, they also bring professionals from other industries for insights that can help agents take their agencies to the next level. 

The Insurance Dudes focus on your agency’s four pillars: Hiring, Training, Marketing and Motivation! We have to keep the sword sharp if we want our agencies to thrive. 

Insurance Dudes are leaders in their home, at their office and in their community. This podcast will keep you on track with like minded high performing agents while keeping entertained!

About Jason and Craig:

Both agents themselves, they both have scaled to around $10 million in premium.  After searching for years for a system to create predictability in their agencies, they developed the Telefunnel after their interviews with so many agents and business leaders.  

Taking several years, tons of trial and error, and hundreds of thousands of dollars on lead spend, they’ve optimized their agencies and teams to write tons of premium, consistently, and nearly on autopilot!

LEARN MORE BY Registering for TUESDAY’s LIVE CALL With The Insurance Dudes!

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Craig Pretzinger & Jason Feltman
The Insurance Dudes


00 Now my eyes are old and I can hardly see. But how many dials is it to write 23,000 152,000 06 dials? 10 insurance dudes are on a mission to escape big hit by our agents. 15 How? by uncovering the secrets to creating a predictable, consistent and profitable agency Sales Machine. 23 I am Craig Pretzinger. 25 I am Jason Feltman. We are agents. We are insurances. Right now, while it's fresh in your mind, check out live dot Tella 37 We took our notes from over 100 interviews with top agents from around the country and made it into a live webcast 45 using these strategies led Craig and I to selling more than 10 million in premium in the last two years. On this 52 call, you'll receive the exact blueprint to get the same results. Just go 57 to to register for this upcoming Tuesday's live call with us.


05 If you jump on this call with us we're certain 2022 will be an absolutely fantastic year for you see there. 12 we are live Mr. Jason. 14 All right. I'm excited. 17 I am to how you doing Mr. Jason? Pretty good. 21 Mr. Craig, let's dive into this real quick. We want to do this because it was something that we didn't realize when we were buying leads originally. The actual true cost of the lead? Oh, 36 yeah, I remember as well remember asking? Like, it starts with asking the right question, right? A lot of times you have people or agents asking when people are agents, agents, or people asking, you know, what's the best lead? What's the best lead company? Or what's the How much should I spend on the lead? Is that the right question? 55 No, let's say how do we get to that. And the end result, we always had to start with the end result, which is the sale. So let's explain this in less than five minutes, right? Now, if I then


05 go, why don't get leads cost so much? Boom, three main lead types. You do jumping? Oh, you go. You explain this? Okay, well, there's three, three basic lead types. Okay. I think that everybody that's watching right now has an understanding a little bit or has heard these terms. So you have your public data, that's like sales, Genie, collects dates, and these the cheap raw data. And basically, all this data is pulled off of different assessor pages. It's comes from everywhere, but it's a collection of information, data points that is semi accurate, right? Not very great. But let's look at the metrics on it. The metrics are, you're gonna, you're gonna see about a 1% contact rate. And once you have that contact rate, it's going to be there is an intent behind it. Okay, so that's the first the first piece, age data, we all know age data, it's basically old internet leads that are, you know, two weeks to two years old or older. It's similar to that raw data. In that it there isn't much intent. But it also is a little bit better, because it was originally a lead. But the thing is, these are sold to hundreds of agents, right? So you're competing with a lot of folks, for something that's going to yield about a three, three to 4% Contact rate, right, so on the front of your telephone, and then the last piece, which is live leads, so these are live internet leads real time, like your quotewizard EverQuote, I'll be ALM all these type of companies are selling the real time. And these are the most effective because ding ding, ding, they have the highest contact rate, right, you're not going to get to your end result if you can't get enough people in the hopper. But let's pull that apart and why.


50 So in order, the cheapest leads to buy, or the top ones all the way to the most expensive to buy, but you're also looking at the least contact rate to greatest contact rate. And so how that works is like this.


07 So let's look at this. Let's pretend you want to write 23,000 in premium, okay, okay. So if you want to write 12 23% or 23,000, and let's say your closing rate, your closing percentage is 12% on these leads, and your average household premium is 1200 bucks. Well, you can take this information knowing the contact rate and figure out exactly how many dials you need in order to make the enough contacts to sell 20,000 Now, my eyes are old and I can hardly see but how many dials Is it two right 23,000 152,000 40 dials. 45 That's insane. So what I save in lead cost while I'm only spending 100 bucks on leads, so Wow, I got all these leads. But in order to get a hold of them, I got to make 152,000 dials. So obviously this Sales Team isn't going to do that. Let's suppose you have a tele team, you have cheaper labor, which is the optimal way to do it. To call on leads, you'd need 15 telemarketers over the course of the month at 500 dials a day each in order to get 152,000 dials which would yield 23,000 in premium. Now that is silly, right? And so that marketing spend would be 22 grand and that's at a $9 an hour tele team. That's like the televisions telemarketers but looking at if you had $12 telemarketers right in the office, add another 30% On top of that craziness, so let's go to aged leads cost per sale below about 1100 bucks on that. So that's very very expensive. So aged leads, right your your contact rates about three times higher. Because it's it's it's a better scenario. But you're still gonna have to make with all the same parameters is that 50,705?


58 Yes, you'd have to make 51,000, almost 51,000


01 dials. In order to get the contacts you need to push through the telephone dial so that you're so that you write 23,000. That's crazy. But yeah, so So look at the difference here now. So you need five telemarketers in order to get to the result, which is going to cost about seven grand. And then those lead costs, the leads are more you're not spent 100 bucks, now you're spending 400 or 355. But at the end of the day, your total marketing spend is still pretty high, right 76 7600 To get back 23,000 premium, I don't think that pencils, you're looking at a $400 cost per sale. So now let's look if you're buying real time leads, you're getting them to five bucks a pop with the same numbers, you want to write 23,000 with a 12% closing average household premium of 1200. Now your leads spend is going to be higher right now you're spending 3500 on leads to have enough to fill the funnel to get to that result. But you only need one telemarketer, one telemarketer and, and 10,000 die one. Yeah, so you're looking at a cost per sale, a lot less dials, right, a lot less dials, so it happens quicker. And you're looking at a 261 cost per sale. That is lead cost and telemarketer all wrapped in to get those 19 households that would yield the 23,000 premium. And we're one minute over two minutes over


27 one minute over. So if you want to know a little bit more Tuesday, January 18, at 10am, sign up And we're going to go over this in a little bit more on your telephone call and how to maximize your leads. Maximize them. Yep, so jump on tomorrow with us. Yeah, that'll be fun, fire some 49 questions off here in the comments, and we'll look at those to take care. 56 Hey, what do you still do it here? Well, while you're still here, and while it's fresh in your mind, check out live dot Tella


03 Yeah, if you weren't listening before, we took notes from over 100 interviews with top agents around the country and made it into a live webcast. 11 Using these strategies did help Craig and I write over 20 million in premium in the last couple years. 17 And let me tell you on this call, you'll receive the exact blueprint to get the very same results. 23 Again, that's live that tele dude's dot com to register for this upcoming Tuesday's live call with us. 32 And if you jump on with us, we are certain 2022 will be an absolutely fantastic year for you. 39 See you there.

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The Insurance Dudes: Craig Pretzinger & Jason Feltman