You Were Made for More

Episode 15: What It's Like To Look For "More" + The Power of Identity (With Meesh Franks)

Host: Sammie Gallo / Guest: Meesh Franks Season 1 Episode 15

My twin sister Meesh is joining me today on the You Were Made for More Podcast, so we can talk a little bit more about who we are and our struggle with identity growing up! I’m so thankful that I’m a twin - and it’s also cool to have someone who grew up in the same environment as you, during the same time as you, but with a totally different personality and different perspective. Meesh and I are so similar, but we’re also so different - I hope that this conversation with Meesh enlightens your hearts about who I am and where I came from, and that you also learn from her struggle with trauma, identity, and how she’s leaned into God to make her a person capable of loving and being loved. If you know anything about my story, you know that Meesh and I didn’t speak English until we were 5, due to a disorder with our speech development. This affected both of us similarly, but also very differently, as you’ll hear us talk about throughout our conversation. 

Meesh currently lives in Sewickley, PA where she serves as the Assistant Director of Children’s Ministries at St. Stephen’s Church. Meesh is engaged to her fiance Caleb, and together, they love the kiddos of their community really well. I’m excited for you to hear this conversation because I think it’s really important - like I’ve said before, your struggle with identity may not look the same as mine, but I believe in some way, shape, or form, we all struggle with believing and living into who we were created to be. When we open up conversation about it, we’re inviting the light to come into dark places in our hearts where fear, insecurity, and trauma live and Satan thrives. 

I hope this episode feels like you're just sitting across the table from us at a coffee shop!

Things we mention in this episode: 

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