You Were Made for More

Episode 21: Sexual Assault: When the Gospel Becomes So Real You Can't Ignore It (With Cassidy Mills)

March 02, 2020 Host: Sammie Gallo / Guest: Cassidy Mills Season 2 Episode 4

"In my grief, ultimately, there is still a gift." -Cassidy Mills

In this episode, Sammie talks with Cassidy Mills about her experience with sexual assault, the healing that she's found in a relationship with Jesus, and ultimately, what it means to walk through life-altering trauma with your eyes on Him. 

I spent a long time praying about someone who could share their story with truth and vulnerability. Sexual brokenness is so evident in our culture and this is such an important topic; I reached out to Cassidy through a mutual friend, who accepted my invitation to share and chat with so much grace, being up front about how it would be challenging but she knew the Lord was calling her to do it. That’s when I knew Cassidy was definitely the person who was supposed to share on the You Were Made for More Podcast. I hope you love meeting her as much as I did, and I hope her testimony encourages you to lean into God, even when things don’t seem to make sense. 

Today’s conversation will be tough, so I encourage you that if you have experienced sexual assault, whether that be in a relationship or at random, please talk to someone about that - my hope is that Cassidy sharing her story will inspire others to share theirs. It’s so true when they say that the devil thrives in the darkness. He will convince you that it’s easier not to talk about it, not to share - but I can tell you personally that that’s one of the biggest lies that you can believe. As you share, light breaks into the darkness - and if you believe in the Bible, if you believe in the God who created all things and sustains all things, you know that HE IS LIGHT. He will break through whatever darkness you are experiencing if you give him the chance to. Never underestimate the power of reaching out to somebody who cares about you, will listen to you, and will walk with you. We weren’t meant to do this life alone. 

Here are some things we mentioned in this episode: 

  • Cassidy's Email Address:

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