You Were Made for More

Episode 20: What Happens When The Party's Over? (A Study of Job's Life)

Host: Sammie Gallo Season 2 Episode 3

In this episode, Sammie tackles the story of Job's life in the second part of our abundance series. If you missed the first episode, go ahead and listen to episode 19 before you hit play on this one! In that episode, Sammie's husband, Juan dives into an analogy of life being God's party - one where we're all invited, everything we could ever need or want is there, and God is the generous host. He talks about what abundance really means in the here and now, and it sets this week's episode up really well.

If you've ever felt like your life is the furthest thing from a party, this episode is for you. We all go through seasons where life seems to be throwing us all sorts of curve balls, we feel tested, and we're not really sure what's going on. Sammie takes the time to tackle an important question: when life doesn't feel like the party, does that mean that the Giver (God), isn't good and doesn't love us anymore?

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