You Were Made for More

Episode 22: Sexual Objectification and What It Really Means to Advocate for Women (With Mindy Summers)

Season 2 Episode 5

Worldwide, 97 billion dollars per year goes into the sex industry. The average age of someone who enters the sex industry is 12 years old. 80% of human trafficking is done through the commercial sex industry (strip clubs, pornography, etc.).

Today, we’re going to have the opportunity to hear a conversation that I had with the founder of SoLoved - Mindy Summers. Mindy is a young wife and mother who six years ago began a ministry to people who are making a living in the sex-industry, which we now know as “SoLoved.” It's pretty clear once you get to know Mindy that she isn't doing this for the attention - she doesn't really desire any attention, so I was honored when I sent her an email and asked if she would be a guest on the You Were Made for More Podcast and... she said yes!

Mindy and her team reach out to women in their community who work in the sex industry. Their entire goal is to build relationships & sisterhood with the ladies in strip clubs. They want them to know they are loved, valued, seen & that we so enjoy who they are. Every month they bring gifts, homemade treats, handwritten love notes and homemade meals to each club. Mindy has seen the brokenness that sexual exploitation causes firsthand, and without judgement, she's made it her life mission to advocate for women and men who are enslaved to this industry that is full of darkness and danger. She believes deeply in justice and equality for ALL people and I think that's truly remarkable.

Here's a quote from Mindy that sums up a bit of her experience:
"This is the thing- I am not sheltered. I spend hours in strip clubs every month. Hours. I’ve been doing this for nearly 6 years. I’ve seen a lot of stuff. Our SoLoved team desires to build relationships with the precious women within the walls of these establishments. They are treasures. Most of them are there because of childhood trauma & abuse, lack of opportunity and/or manipulation or coercion. They didn’t dream of this. It isn’t empowering…it’s where they are and they are doing the best with what they’ve been dealt.…And the men. The men who go…most of them are sorting out their own brokenness within these walls. Porn addiction, broken relationships, loneliness, power trips & addiction are many of their stories."

Mindy and her team are living the Gospel that’s for sure - and after our conversation, I would consider her a friend and someone I admire. I can’t wait for you to hear this conversation, so just dive in!

Here are some things we mentioned in this episode: 

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