You Were Made for More

Episode 23: The Power of An Invitation (With Sarah McSweeney)

• Sammie Gallo • Season 2 • Episode 6

In this episode, Sammie talks with one of her former youth group students, turned friend🥰, about the power of an invitation, being faithful to our callings as youth leaders, and what it looks like to partner with parents as a youth leader. Sarah McSweeney is not only one of my dearest friends, but she also holds such a special place in my heart because she actually was one of the first youth group students I ever had when I became a youth leader my freshman year of college. Since then, she has graduated high school, started attending college herself, and has begun leading student ministry faithfully in the church she grew up in.

Sarah’s one of my greatest gifts, and our relationship reminds me of the redemptive work that can be done through broken people like myself, all because of Jesus. I asked Sarah to come on the podcast today to talk about the importance of youth leaders in the lives of students. I know and believe that God sees these relationships as being so, so important and I know that they can be life-changing. For me, relationships that were with older, wiser adults who weren’t my parents were CRITICAL to my spiritual and personal development.

We dive into the idea that being a youth leader looks a lot like being a disciple of Jesus... there are so many different aspects and roles that go into the calling that at times, it can feel hard, heavy, and challenging. If you're in need of encouragement in the season you're in (let's be honest, we're all struggling a little bit in the midst of the COVID-19 Crisis!), this is where you'll find some.

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