You Were Made for More

Episode 26: Deeply Rooted Motherhood (With Ashley Setterlind)

Season 2 Episode 9

Mother's Day 2020 is right around the corner! This conversation on today's episode with Ashley Setterlind could not be more perfectly timed. Ashley is a follower of Jesus, pastor’s wife, mom, and worship leader.

She’s also the creator of an online community called Deeply Rooted Motherhood, where she believes that life is better when we encourage each other instead of compare each other. She hopes through writing and social media, moms can lean into the safety that comes from being vulnerable and imperfect together. I love that Ashley believes in the power of motherhood and believes that it was created to glorify God. We talk about parenting, marriage, the Gospel, and how all of those things fit together. I really believe we need more mom’s like her. Ashley is full of wisdom and I’m so excited for you to hear from her!

Here are some things we mentioned in this episode: 

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