You Were Made for More

Episode 45: What's Happening With Women's Reproductive Rights (With Missy Giles)

June 07, 2021 Host: Sammie Gallo / Guest: Missy Giles Season 3 Episode 12

Melissa Giles is the Marketing and Development Coordinator for Human Life Alliance, a nonprofit, pro-life informational organization dedicated to creating a culture in which all human life, from the moments of fertilization to natural death, is respected and cherished. Distribution of HLA’s compelling materials have reached 232.4 million people over the past 31 years in all 50 U.S. states, 88 different countries, and all seven continents.

Missy graduated from Eastern Michigan University with BA in Entrepreneurship. She founded a professional wedding photographer company and most recently served as a missionary for a non-profit Christian organization at the University of Michigan.

She also has a diverse background working as a professional wedding photographer, and nonprofit mission work with college students. Currently in her role at HLA, she leads students through asking hard questions like... “If you’re pro-life, why? If you’re going to take the stance of being pro-choice, can you back that up?” These are all important questions to ask ourselves, and we have to be able and willing to ask tough questions in order to be educated about cultural issues that can so easily divide us. We’re going to chat with Missy about what it looks like to become educated on these issues and why we should be passionate about them. What I love about Missy’s story is that she’s able to see now how various jobs aren’t “lost” - that there was purpose in her faithfully going where God called her for a certain season because there was purpose in each one. Let’s dive into this conversation!

Here are some things we mentioned in the podcast:

  • Human Life Alliance Website (remember, they produce materials that can teach you 99% of the info you need to know about the culture of life! check it out today!)

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