Don't IEP Alone.
Inspired by her own son with disabilities, Lisa Lightner is an award-winning blogger and advocate. She has previously worked for her county's Arc and has served on the Boards of Directors for several disability organizations.
Currently, she is her county's chairperson for the Right to Education Task Force, a federally decreed group set up in 1971 to ensure that all children in Pennsylvania had the opportunity to an education.
When not attending IEP meetings with families or lobbying in Harrisburg and DC for disability rights, she can be found on the web at her IEP advice blog, A Day in our Shoes. She is known for her practical, realistic and implementable advice for parents.
Warning: I've been told I have a Philly accent. I don't hear it. Also, I curse. It's something I'm working on as far as personal development. So please don't be put off. I'm trying.
Don't IEP Alone.
Let's Talk About Behavior (Part 1)
Welcome to another episode of Don't IEP Alone podcast! In this episode, we will talk about BEHAVIOR!
Lisa Lightner, host of the Don't IEP Alone Podcast, discusses the flaws and trends she's seeing with problematic FBAs. She argues that anyone can do an FBA, but not everyone has the necessary training to do so effectively. She also points out that FBAs often don't go deep enough to identify the root cause of a child's behavior.
Finally, she suggests that parents should make sure that their child's IEP is being implemented with fidelity before requesting an FBA.
Don't IEP Alone with Lisa Lightner, Special Education Advocate
Thank you for listening to this episode of Don't IEP Alone. See you next time!
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