Good Dog Workshop

Major Changes to the Good Dog Workshop Pack

Brian Kerchner & Marina Finelli Season 4 Episode 104

From Brian: In November of 2021, my cattle dog RED passed away from a very aggressive inoperable nasal tumor. And just last week at the end of February 2022, my beagle VIVIAN passed away after a long bout with lymphoma. The loss of Red and Vivian has been devastating for me personally and incredibly impactful to Good Dog Workshop and the work am do with my clients. We at Good Dog Workshop know that you—our listeners—grew to know and love Vivian and Red through the podcast and we appreciate your support during our grief.

As we all know, life keeps moving on no matter what happens or how we feel, and we must continue to move as well. So we include in this podcast our thoughts and experiences as we look for two new assistants to add to Brian's pack.