Good Dog Workshop

Elderly Dog Owners Getting Energetic Dogs

Brian Kerchner & Marina Finelli Season 4 Episode 111

Marina & Brian discuss a seemingly growing trend: Elderly, physically-limited dog owners getting energetic dogs. Sometimes it involves people ending up with a puppy or high-energy dog pushed on them by their adult kids who got a dog for themselves, then move back home and suddenly the elderly parents have to take care of the dog. But more often than not, it involves older people with health issues which severely limit their ability to exercise a dog, but choose a puppy having forgotten how much work and physical activity is required to raise a puppy. And that often leads to rambunctious & frustrated pups who do whatever they feel they need to to release their energy: destructive chewing, jumping on people and furniture, digging in the yard, incessant barking, and nipping and biting people — a lousy situation for people and for the puppy. There are so many ways to avoid this. Listen to found out how.