Intuitive Lifestyle Success Podcast

episode 3 what is intuitive business?

February 14, 2019 Cathleen Miller Season 1 Episode 3

Intuitive Lifestyle Success coach Cathleen Miller shares the power of intuitive development to improve your business. Discover how to improve quality, timing and flow of energy to optimize everything and achieve more by working smart from your intuitive awareness advantage. Free intuition e-course @


Hello, everyone, and welcome to episode number three. I'm your host, Cathleen Miller, owner and master intuitive at intuitive lifestyle And so today, we are going to be discussing, can you make more money through using your intuition? How can you be more intuitive in your business. And so as an intuitive business coach, I work with clients around the world with everything from very small businesses, people really getting started on their own kind of mom and pop stuff all the way up to fortune 500. corporate CEOs and top top leaders and CEOs are very well known. and everything in between. So sometimes it's corporate people that are making the transition to entrepreneurial sometimes it is, people in very unique businesses or online businesses and, and so it doesn't matter what you're in what what business if you're, or if you're even employed, and you want to use your intuition to direct your career. So it's not necessarily about being entrepreneurial, but it's being more intuitive within your business and your professional life. And so, for me, the biggest pieces in that, that really allow you to optimize, not only really having joy, finding joy, and really, you know, when we're able to be so blessed to really line up what we love to do, and then creating a life creating a soul based business, I call it, um, you know, and I do believe is possible for everyone, I've had so many people that say, Oh, you know, I just don't know, I've never really been, you know, clear about that. And again, that will be many podcasts down the line about soul path and and soul career in those those types of subjects. But, but for here really get into just this basic intuitive business for success. It's really being able to start with this place of being more intuitive if you listen to my last episode, which was about you know, intuitive development and how, you know, that optimizes your awareness of your energy and your time, and you know, what you're committing to. So this is just another step, taking that into your business life in your professional life, and being able to really move into as you go progress with your refinement in that awareness of intuitive energy for yourself, then it becomes being able to really manage your choices ongoing, being able to say, wow, you know, because there will be times you will have a major idea, or maybe you're really on fire and excited about something and then two days later it's gone. Or it seems like Wow, it just it just sort of like shifted, or the gears changed, and that what happened. And so sometimes it's not what happened is just okay, you're getting that initial piece was relevant to get something started. And now the universe is coordinating people and the timing and production and all kinds of other things. That looks like it's not happening. But all kinds of things are in motion. And all of a sudden, it's kind of like when you let it go. And then they sort of shows up, you know, that can be where it's always wonderful to know the universe is intervening for all of us to be able to see succeed in and, and really thrive. So timing, number one timing, when your intuitive, being able to feel because this helps you to get out of the head, which is probably the biggest thing I see is people get very mental, here's my business plan. Here's my stuff, here's what I'm supposed to do. And it's Yes, that can be applicable. And that can be valuable at some point. But when you can say, gosh, you know, something feels off, something doesn't feel right about this client, something doesn't feel right about this partnership, something bill doesn't write about this commitment, that is information that something is off being able to really begin to find where that is what's going on can give you a heads up to save you countless, sometimes legal issues, sometimes it's it's just issues in quality where it's a miserable client or miserable connection and it's just not a good experience. And then it also is you know, maybe just a miserable you know, a choice and the flow of the energy is going to disrupt other things. And and so I have countless aspects in my own life but also with clients where you know them all give you one example I had a collaboration I did here locally and this woman emailed me and said and literally was pretty critical in the email, but kind of interested and, and I and I wanted people to come and I wanted people to be part of it. So I said, Hey, you know, I will you know, and she said, Oh, I can't really afford it, I can't do that. And I said, Okay, well I said, You know, I want I want you to have this, I'm gonna I'm gonna help, you know, give this to you to help you to be able to do this. So, and then I talked to the other cloud, oh, we're gonna give her this, you know, I just, I want to bless her and she has a lot going on. And so long story short, she comes. She has, um, you know, it's not a positive experience, put it mildly. Then she leaves sends me a really not great email. And and then I kind of had a laugh and kind of take a step back. I didn't take it personally all but I just backed up. I was like, What am I missing the energy? What did I miss here. And I realized what happened is that this was a miserable person, I wanted to, like come out of my center to help her feel better, which only created, you know, it's like nailing jello to the wall. It's only just kind of moved it all around, and made it Messier across the board. Now luckily, I didn't take this personally, I was like, Hey, you know, my intention was to contribute to you getting happy. And that's ultimately up to you, but, but you want to keep going. And it was funny, because I actually, when she sent me this not positive email, I kind of sat with it. And then I went, you know, I'm still going to stay in this unconditional love space. And I even emailed back, saying, you know, I appreciate this. And it's sort of interesting, um, you have an interesting point of view here. And I just would like to remind you that you were gifted to come to this. So to be critical about something that was really a blessing for you, is just, it's just interesting, and I really wish you well, um, regardless on your path, and I just left it neutral, and I walked away. But, you know, what I realized in it was, you know, intuitively, when she first connected, it didn't feel right. And I tried to, like pump up be more positive with it. And that that had, I didn't listen to that initial message. And I know some of you are going, Oh, boy, can I relate to this, of listening to those initial messages, because we all do it, it can happen in little things can happen in big thing, or maybe you're going to get something fixed. And or you're getting somebody to come in and do your tech and you have a sense that this person is not the right person, they don't know what like it's just not for the issue you have and then it ends up being way more complicated, costly, all kinds of things. So sometimes it's about quality. Okay, it's timing. Is it the right time to do it? Number two quality? Is this person competent for what I need? Or? Or am I you know, am I getting the right information? When you're more intuitive, you have a sense of knowing need to keep looking, yes, this is the right person, it helps you to have that confirmation you're on track. And then third is it gives you as you're more intuitive in your business, you have more choice and you're more able to direct the flow of the energy in your business which is huge. That's everything. So being able to you know really come in and as you develop and begin to you know, that's something I do every day I when I do my morning meditation and I kind of set my schedule Okay, I've got clients here I got this here. And I but I'm but I'm always kind of like disengaging from that and saying, okay, whereas the flow, is it still here? Is it not? Um, you know, could the energy's really lighting up here, stay here and then when all of a sudden it fizzles, or I feel like there's a gear change, it's like okay, let me let me release that and where where is the energy needed next? So I hope this has been helpful for you definitely, um, you know, comment below let me know how you're doing reach out find me on Facebook I'm on Instagram intuitive dot lifestyle dot success or Pinterest all these different places. love to see you on social media. Definitely check out my website, intuitive lifestyle, success, calm. And also I have a free activate your intuition ecourse that's there on the homepage. So make sure you check that out. That can help to begin to, you know, help you on your journey of intuition so that you can be able to create the vision of your greatest intuitive lifestyle success. So thank you all so much, everyone and be well