Montel Weekly

Hydrogen’s green revolution

March 04, 2021 Montel News Season 3 Episode 9

The success of Europe’s climate neutral goal for 2050 will depend a lot on hydrogen, particularly its green form when backed by renewables. Large utilities, industrial firms and oil and gas majors are now gearing up to make big investments in green hydrogen.

This week’s episode looks at some of those ambitious plans in the Nordic region. 


  •  Richard Sverrisson, Editor-in-Chief Europe, Montel


  • Martin Pei, Executive Vice President and CTO, SSAB
  • Marius Holm Rennesund, Partner, Thema Consulting
  • Kathrine Stene Bakke, Head of AFRY Management Consulting Norway
  • Olav Botnen, Senior Analyst, Volue Insight

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