Manifestation and Money, Honey

Losing Friends As An Entrepreneur

Brittney Jones Season 3 Episode 66

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For a long time on this journey, I actually thought that I was the only one going through this. You know, I hadn't heard a lot of people talking about it and I had a lot of shame around. I had lost some of my close friends as I started to become more successful in my business. So if you're feeling like this too, know my DM's are always open, and let's go ahead and get into it!

If you're looking for your group, your people, your business, best friends, the people who get it. If you're looking for growth not just in your business, but all areas of your life, this is the place to be. It all gets better from being in this circle. My mastermind is truly an experience and it's going to wow you, and it's going to shake up the way you work. This is a completely uplevelled experience from any other mastermind out there.  We're disrupting the norm.  The kind of disruption that if you choose to sit on the sidelines for this one, you'll wish you had've jumped in from the beginning.

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