
The Necessity of Mourning

Ashley and Eric

A discussion on mourning. We discuss: 1. The role of mourning in human life. 2. How mourning can be applied narrowly (a death) or broadly (all losses and changes, big and little). 3. It's necessary for peaceful passage through life. 4. How idealization of what was lost can prevent mourning and therefore peaceful passage through life. 5. Ashley hurts Eric's feelings early in the show, which is discussed toward the end and helps us  get to a final part of the discussion: 6.  If you make a choice, and you feel sad once the choice is made, that doesn't mean you've made the wrong decision. You're not a robot. Let yourself feel it.

**One thing we didn't say in the episode: Even if you're sad after choosing to not have children, it doesn't mean you've made the wrong decision. You have to let yourself acknowledge the path you didn't take and what it means so that you can be open to what blessings you will receive. 

We tried to use as many examples from our lives as we could think of. Hope you find this helpful. 

Resource: Comprehensive Dictionary of Psychoanalysis by Salman Akhtar
IG: @ashley.mason.cmhc