One Nail at a Time: Insights for Building Your Patient's Medical Home

17 | Weathering the Storm: A Candid Discussion about Physician Grief with Dr. Heather La Borde & Dr. Brad Bahler

June 14, 2020 Alberta Medical Association

Join Dr. Heather La Borde and Dr. Brad Bahler as they discuss their mutual sense of grief and loss related to the changes and uncertainty that COVID has brought, as well as how they’re finding hope and taking steps to prevent burnout.

Would you like to learn more?

The  Alberta Medical Association and Well Doc Alberta are offering a 1.25 hour session on physician wellness on Tuesday, June 16, from 7 p.m. – 8:15 p.m. entitled Physician Wellness: Feeling Distress, Understanding Loss and Finding Meaning.  During this session, physicians will have the opportunity to consider and better understand their distress during these challenging times. Along with knowledge offered by content expert Fleur Yumol, the webinar co-facilitators will guide you through short pauses for self-reflection and provide opportunities for sharing experiences with physician peers. This webinar is designed for physicians, but interested family members are also welcome to join.

Register in advance for this Zoom webinar: