The Jerry Jones Direct Radio Show

Episode #97 - Getting through COVID Shutdown and Starting Up Again - How this dentist did it - Jerry Jones with Dr. Sean Tarpenning

Jerry A. Jones

We all know the drill by now. Dentistry as we knew it pre-March 2020, was shuttered and from about early March, depending on where you live, to NOW... nearly the end of May 2020, the vast majority of dental practices nationwide have either only seen emergency patients or none at all. 

Now, things are starting to open up and get back to normal.

So, I went to one of my Members, Dr. Sean Tarpenning, to see what he did during the shutdown, what he's doing now and what the future looks like.

This is a crucial show for you to tune into and catch. There are lessons o' plenty from this Eau Claire, WI dentist. 

His message offers hope, strategy, and demonstrates GRIT. 

You'll learn:

  • What Sean and his team did to keep their team involved and ready to come back
  • What they did to keep patients in the loop
  • How they re-opened this week
  • How they are sourcing PPE
  • And, the real value of leadership and culture in times of adversity and frankly, an unknown future.

I can't encourage you enough to listen in, now!

For more information about Jerry Jones Direct and what we offer dentists, head on over to our website,, to learn more.

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