Kay Laurence - Learning About Dogs

The Art of Luring Dogs : Using the Cup on a Stick

Sue McGuire Season 1 Episode 9

Skilled teaching by luring leaves a learner with a strong sense of achievement and a clean behavior with good understanding. Luring is by definition, the direct use of the reinforcer to elicit a behavior. The operative part of that sentence is the direct use of the reinforcer. In this, our second episode on the art of luring, Kay Laurence and Sue McGuire chat about how the use of luring with a "Cup on a Stick," can be is an excellent application of the luring protocol.

Learning About Dogs will be conducting a six week, online course starting May 8th, on
"The Skills of Luring."
The course sign up link is open.

Can we lure you into the world of luring? New Blog Post.

Here is a short video to tease you about the possibilities available to us when we are skilled and creative about luring.